Section Six - Additional materials
Videos, exercises, books, games, papers and so on (updated regularly)
Latest Update: 25 march 22
We will update this section regularly. If you have any suggestions let us know on info@tict.io
Here is a Powerpoint for an offline session. (please do the course first!)
Additional materials for section one - Inclusivity & accessibility
Some highlights of the TV-series six million dollar man (2.30 minutes):
Two videos by the heroes from Kurzgesagt on aging:
A video from Peter Joosten on longevity & anti-aging (21 minutes):
A list with gadgets from The Jetsons that actually exist today.
A special from the NY Times about living longer.
And of course, a link to the best upgrade for people ever, the anti-cursing chip by SouthPark. A f*cking good idea?
Books & papers
- A book from Ray Kurzweil: Live Long Enough to Live Forever;
- Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari on (some) humans becoming divine beings;
- Peter Joosten wrote Superhuman, for now only in Dutch, but here is an abstract on Next Nature Net (a website that does a lot human enhancement).
- A very nice paper by Carnegy Learning UK on digital exclusion.
- What about animals? Should we make them smarter? Article on Vice.
- Automating Inequality by Virginia Eubanks (how high tech tools profile, police and punish the poor);
A video by Kurzgesagt on Crispr and designer babies (16 minutes).
Additional materials for section two - Bias in technology
- An article of the AI NOW institute on historical whitewashing of tech;
- Explanation on Towards Datascience on why AI is always biased (even when recognizing cats and dogs!).
Trailer of the documentary coded bias (2.27 minutes):
A technological explanation of bias in a neural network. A bit boring, but highly advisable (7 minutes):
A short explanation video on biases in algorithms:
A TedxTalk from Delft on biases in machine learning:
An insightful video on bias in the justice system:
Additional materials for section 3 - Racist bias in technology
More information on the examples we used:
- Read about COMPAS and criminal reoffending;
- Read more about PREDPOL and predictive policing;
- More information on the racist camera from 2010 on PetaPixel;
- More information on Examsoft, racist proctoring sofware;
- More information on Twitter's racist image cropping;
- A TED Talk on fighting bias in algorithms (9 minutes):
Or read the great book Race After Technology by Ruha Benjamin.
And on a lighter note, trigger me ELMO, by Michael Reeves (building a racist Elmo is not so hard, it seems):
Additional materials for section four - gender bias in technology
To really get up-to-speed, read the book from Caroline Criad Perez: Invisible Women.
If you do like to read, you can watch this video that is a bit longer (12 minutes) than in the crashcourse.
- Or you can read this piece on Bloomberg from Cathy O'Neill on gender biased algorithms.
- An article on Viagra and Period Pains on Jezebel and an article on The Economist.
- Or what about this course by Stanford University on Gender in Design. There are great examples on the website.
You can also read these two pieces by the United Nations Conference:
Additional materials for section five - diversity in teams
A great page from Fast Company with all kinds of visualizations. Using the Big Tech logos the diversity of companies is shown.
A five minute read on diversity in tech.