
Technology Impact Cycle Tool

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Educational Software - Digital Portfolio

Digital Portfolio is a software where students can upload, manage and showcase all evidence of their study efforts.

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Created by: Edita

Created on: May 11, 2023 2:36 PM

Changed on: June 12, 2023 9:05 AM


Pandora is a new tool to refresh your curriculum! Pandora is designed to gamify any learning materials that are imported into it. The technology has two sides, the ‘back-end’, which teachers use for their interface and the ‘front-end’ for students to see. The back-end allows for teachers to generate games from a variety of topics including math problems, engineering situations or even story problems. Pandora uses AI methods to read text and generate small games such as: Tic-tac-toe, matching puzzles, new stories, or moving animations that can be interacted with, such as physics puzzles. The Pandora application generates not just the game, but also a ‘leader board’, other similar problems, and ‘how-to-play’ instructions. By gamifying any learning material, Pandora enables more engagement and more fun in learning! It saves time by turning boring reading material into an engaging animation in just a click! -Pandora is not a real tool-

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Created by: jwalker.9

Created on: November 24, 2022 10:44 AM

Changed on: December 7, 2022 10:36 AM

Parking App

The parking app is an application that aids in finding parking spot in locations one plans on going to. Its main purpose is to eradicate the unnecessary traffic and roaming in pursuing a parking spot. It's supposed to ensure that one spends as little time looking for a parking spot to park their motor vehicle.

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Created by: Mimi

Created on: December 6, 2022 8:29 AM

Changed on: December 6, 2022 8:55 AM

Dorpsquiz antwoord platform

Platform om in tijden van de corona-pandemie samenwerking op veilige afstand van groepen van ~20 mensen mogelijk te maken, en het nakijken van de antwoorden voor de organisatie gemakkelijker te maken.

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Created by: axel1998

Created on: September 12, 2021 11:30 AM

Changed on: September 12, 2021 12:20 PM


Breeze is een no-nonsense dating concept die gebruikers aanmoedigt om elkaar daadwerkelijk face-to-face te ontmoeten.

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Created by: mjmbrenkman human-values certificatetransparency certificatedata certificatestakeholders certificatecriminal certificatesustainability certificateprivacy certificateinclusivity certificateimpact certificatefuture certificate

Created on: June 9, 2021 10:47 AM

Changed on: June 10, 2021 1:12 PM