
Technology Impact Cycle Tool

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IDS is a virtual dataspace that can help businesses share data securely.

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Created by: rebekadea

Created on: April 4, 2023 7:17 AM

Changed on: April 4, 2023 7:17 AM

Nature Imaging

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Created by: impact certificate

Created on: March 28, 2023 9:34 AM

Changed on: March 28, 2023 9:34 AM

Web application

A management system

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Created by: AyaShikhSuliman

Created on: March 27, 2023 8:59 AM

Changed on: March 27, 2023 9:02 AM

An earthquake prediction tool.

My form of technology is implementing a prediction model to try to predict the magnitude of a potential earthquake. Combined with this magnitude, a probability will be calculated of an earthquake with this magnitude. This probability will be calculated with the Gutenberg & Richter Law. The end goal is giving the users insights on the probability of an earthquake happening in their local area. The magnitude and probability will be shown in an application tool, that would be downloadable in the app store and that would be reachable on every government website on every country on the earth. In order to let anyone use this application, the goal is to let the application work without any internet connection. Not only the magnitude and probability will be shown on this application. The end-users will also get tips on how to keep themselves save from an earthquake. These tips correlate to the probability and magnitude given. A high probability and magnitude will result in more urgent tips. The users will also get insights in earthquakes that happened in the past with a map visualization and a dataset visualization containing the past earthquakes in that region. This technology will not prevent earthquakes from happening. Its main goal is to try to keep people safe during and after an earthquake. It also helps the users in implementing preventative measures beforehand in order to keep themselves save during an earthquake.

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Created by: Mohamed.dira

Created on: March 23, 2023 10:21 AM

Changed on: March 23, 2023 10:24 AM

Traffic jam predictor

A tool able to predict the following traffic in a given timeframe for a particular route

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Created by: Tudor

Created on: March 23, 2023 10:24 AM

Changed on: March 23, 2023 10:24 AM