
Technology Impact Cycle Tool

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Experimental EdTech cycle
Depending on the technology you are assessing, some categories are more important than others. Here you can indicate how important you think this category is for this technology.
If this category is not applicable for this technology, please select 'Yes.'
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
  • Does the technology allow students to make their own decisions or are decisions made for the student?
  • Does the technology make students dependent? On the technology? Or on others?
  • Does the technology shape undesirable behavior? Is it addictive even? Is it easy to disconnect?
  • Do students need someone else to use the technology?
  • In what way does the technology empower students to make better decisions? Why?
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
  • Does the technology allow teachers to make their own decisions or are decisions made for the teacher?
  • Does the technology make teachers dependent? On the technology? Or on others?
  • Do teachers need someone else to use the technology?
  • In what way does the technology empower teachers to make better decisions? Why?
  • Do you believe that the restrictions in self-determination are in balance with the benefits for the educational process? Why?
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
  • In what way does the technology determine the structure of the teaching?
  • In what way does the technology change the dynamic on campus and teacher – student relationships?
  • How is the distinctive character and/or convictions of the institution influenced?
If you think about how this new impacts the self-determination of students and teachers. If you think about the impact on educational independence.

If you think about all that, what improvements would you make? In technology? In context? In use? The answers on questions 1-3 help you to gain insight into the impact of this educational technology. The goal of these answers is not to provide you with a 'go' or ' no go' - decision. The goal is to make you think HOW you can improve the impact of this technology. This can be by making changes to the technology or making changes to the context in which the technology is used, or making changes in the way the technology is used.
Are you satisfied with the quality of your answers? The depth? The level of insight? Did you have enough knowledge to give good answers? Give an honest assessment of the quality of your answers.