
Technology Impact Cycle Tool

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Experimental EdTech cycle
Depending on the technology you are assessing, some categories are more important than others. Here you can indicate how important you think this category is for this technology.
If this category is not applicable for this technology, please select 'Yes.'
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
This EdTech is designed to solve a problem. That is why it is important to exactly define which problem this technology is going to solve.
  • Can you make a clear definition of the problem?
  • What 'pain' does this technology want to ease? Whose pain?
The problem definition will help you to determine and discuss if you are solving the right problem.
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
In technology there is a tendency to simplify a problem, so that it can be technically solved.
  • Are you sure that this technology is solving the real problem?
  • Are you sure that you are not only addressing the symptoms?
  • Is this technology really the right solution for the problem?
  • Did you try to find the deeper issues? Did you consider using the five whys technique?
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
  • This technology is going to solve a problem but do you know how?
  • Can you explain what characteristics lead to the solution of the problem?
  • Are you sure it is going to work? Why?
  • Are you sure it really works? How do you know? Did you test it? Is it grounded in theory?
  • How are you going to evaluate the outcomes?
The following sub-questions will help you answer the main question!
Technology often bites back. It has the tendency to create negative effects you would not expect because of unpredictable user behaviour. People are unpredictable and as a result, so is technology.
  • Can you think about possible negative effects? Did you brainstorm to find effects?
  • Are there negative effects that you accept? If so, can you explain why?
If you think about the real problem this technology is going to solve. If you think about the ability of this technology to solve the real problem. If you think about possible negative effects.

If you think about all that, what improvements would you make? In technology? In context? In use? The answers on questions 1-4 help you to gain insight into the impact of this educational technology. The goal of these answers is not to provide you with a 'go' or ' no go' - decision. The goal is to make you think HOW you can improve the impact of this technology. This can be by making changes to the technology or making changes to the context in which the technology is used, or making changes in the way the technology is used.
Are you satisfied with the quality of your answers? The depth? The level of insight? Did you have enough knowledge to give good answers? Give an honest assessment of the quality of your answers.